Are you having a hard time finding time to train your dog among your busy working and/or student schedule? I’ve been there too. Balancing a busy schedule with the responsibilities of being a dog owner can be challenging, but with the right approach, it is possible to add quick training sessions into your daily routine. In this post, I will touch on the importance of training sessions, setting realistic goals, planning effective training sessions, incorporating training into your routines, and overcoming challenges that may arise with training. My hope is that, with this article, you will have the tools and knowledge you need to successfully train your dog among a busy schedule.


1. The Importance of Quick Training Sessions

When you spend most of your day busy with work or school, it is hard to find motivation to come home and train your dog. But don’t worry, because you can do short quick training lessons that you incorporate into your busy schedule. These quick training sessions can offer numerous benefits for both you and your dog. Firstly, short training sessions allow you to make the most of the limited time you have in your schedule. It can take as little as five minutes to start teaching your dog new commands and desired behaviors. Additionally, consistent training sessions, whether they be long or short, can help keep your dog mentally stimulated and engaged. Physical activity is not enough for your dog, they thrive on mental stimulation which can be provided to your pup through regular quick training sessions. This is an opportunity for your dog to learn new skills, solve problems, and use their brain in a constructive way. An added benefit to regular, quick training sessions is that they can help strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Training requires exercises of communication, trust and cooperation. By using these skills consistently, you and your dog can build a stronger relationship.


2. Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations

Training your dog, whether it be amidst a busy schedule or not, can be a frustrating process. Not setting realistic goals and expectations can only make this worse. Setting realistic goals means taking account of your schedule, your dog’s abilities and limits, and any other factors that could impact training efforts. One of the biggest mistakes you can make when training your dog is expecting too much from them too soon. Try to always remember that training takes time, patience and consistency. It is not necessary to try teaching your dog everything at once. Instead, try focusing on a command/behavior or two at a time. With my dog, I started with sit and stay. I did not move on to another command until she had mastered those two. This method proved to be effective when I was ready to teach the lay down command. It is also important to take into consideration your own abilities as a trainer. Most of us are probably rookies as dog trainers. It is completely okay to seek help from professional trainers or behaviorists. As you are teaching your dog, give yourself space and time to learn as well. Trainers or even educational programs can provide guidance, support and even personalized training plans to help you achieve your training goals.


3. Planning Effective Training Sessions

Effective training sessions require proper planning and preparation. Before beginning training, take time to think about your goals and how you are going to achieve them. You can begin this process by identifying the specific commands and behaviors you want to work on with your dog. Usually you will start with sit, stay and come commands but if those have been mastered you may also want to teach more advanced behaviors such as loose leash walking and impulse control. Now that you have identified your training goals, you will need to gather any necessary training supplies and/or treats. Most dogs are food motivated, so treats can be a great way to motivate and reward your dog during training. From my personal experience, I would recommend keeping plenty of treats on hand. With a busy schedule, you will want to plan on keeping your training sessions short and focused. This type of training can be beneficial for your dog as they have short attention spans. Keep in mind, it is okay to end your training session early if you or your dog is losing interest and/or becoming frustrated. You will want to remember to be patient and consistent with training sessions. Positive reinforcement techniques are the best way to reward your dog for performing commands and desired behaviors. Avoiding punishment or negative reinforcement can save you from undermining your dog’s trust and confidence in you.


4. Incorporating Training Into Daily Routines

Consistent training can best be successful by incorporating it into your daily routine. Think about your usual schedule and look for opportunities to reinforce desired behaviors and practice commands in real-life situations. I often practiced sit and stay commands during meal times and it is easy to work on leash manners during walks. Training opportunities can often come from everyday activities and environments. Even play time can be training time for commands like drop/leave it. Integrating training into your daily routines can make it a natural and seamless part of your life and relationship with your dog. Also, the consistency of a daily training plan can help to solidify commands and desired behaviors. Not only can this ensure that your dog gets regular reinforcement of things they need to learn to maintain good behaviors, it can also make training time more enjoyable and rewarding for both of you. 


5. Overcoming Common Challenges

It is unrealistic to believe that you will never experience challenges during the training process with your dog. It can be difficult maintaining consistency, dealing with distractions during training time, or addressing more challenging behavioral issues but it is very important to stay patient and persistent. 

It is essential to maintain consistency in training in order for it to be successful but we cannot forget to acknowledge that work and school can create a busy schedule. That’s why it is important to plan training sessions and incorporate training into your daily routine. If you are not consistent with your approach and expectations, your dog may not take to their new commands and/or behaviors. This also means using the same cues and commands while rewarding desired behaviors consistently and always enforcing rules and boundaries. 

Distractions can also be a difficult challenge to overcome. Many things in your environment can create distractions for your dog, so it is important to avoid them as much as possible when you start training. Once your dog becomes more proficient you can begin challenging them by introducing new distractions during training sessions. 

Many challenges can be best approached with patience and understanding. It is important to try to understand the underlying causes for your dog’s negative behavior and even more important to address it through positive reinforcement techniques. Again, it can be beneficial to seek support from experienced trainers in addressing behavioral issues.


In conclusion, quick training sessions are an essential tool for busy dog owners seeking to balance their responsibilities with their commitment to their beloved pets. You can strengthen your bond with your dog and build on mutual trust by setting realistic training goals, planning effective training sessions, incorporating training into your daily routines, and overcoming any challenges that may come your way. With patience and consistency, you will see your efforts pay off and enjoy a lifetime of love and companionship with your dog amidst your busy schedule.


Categories: Training