Ensuring our dogs get the exercise they need is vital for not only their physical health but also mental well-being and overall happiness. Dogs are naturally active animals, and without adequate exercise, they become bored, restless, and even develop behavioral issues. So, how can you help your beloved pet get exercise when life becomes a whirlwind of things to do? Take advantage of time you may use to exercise yourself and incorporate your pup into it or use breaks during your schedule to train and encourage activity with your dog. From morning power walks to evening circuit training, activity breaks and interactive toys, this post will provide you with actionable tips and ideas to ensure your dog gets the exercise they need to thrive.


1. Power Walks or Short Runs

Start your day on the right paw by adding a brisk walk or jog to your morning routine. This does not need to be more than 30 minutes and can be a great way for you and your dog to get a bit of exercise together. A morning walk not only provides your dog with essential exercise like running and sniffing, but also sets a positive tone for the day ahead. This time can be great for your dog to explore new scents, stretch their legs, and tire them out for a good morning nap while you are busy. Additionally, this activity can provide a great opportunity to bond with your dog and is easy to implement into your everyday schedule. Consider, also, incorporating intervals of jogging or running to elevate your dog’s heart rate and provide an extra cardiovascular boost.


2. Circuit Training

Need something for your dog to do while you are trying to get your daily workout in? Circuit training with your dog can be a really fun exercise that is easily tailorable to suit any level of fitness for you and your pup. Start by choosing your exercises for the circuit. Once you know what you will be doing, think of ways you can incorporate your dog into those exercises. This can be as simple as encouraging your dogs to do a trick between reps. For example, if you are doing squats, you can ask your dog to shake every time you squat down. To challenge your dog more, you can try encouraging them to copy your movements. An easy beginner movement to try would be downward dog when you are stretching for your workout. Once your pup has mastered this, add more challenging moves. This circuit training exercise can provide great physical activity for your dog, while also pushing to improve your dog’s intelligence by learning and practicing new commands and tricks.


3. Activity Breaks

Sometimes it can be hard to make time for workouts and walks but that doesn’t mean your dog can’t still get the exercise they need. If you have work or school most of the day, take advantage of the short breaks in your schedule for quick play or training sessions. These short sessions can include simple activities like practicing commands and tricks, or playing fetch, tug of war and hide and seek. If you are able to go outside, throwing a frisbee for your dog is a great opportunity for your dog to run while also working on commands like sit, stay, and come. If you are stuck inside tug of war and hide and seek are great for small or big spaces and still provides physical activity and mental stimulation for your pup. Even as much as 15 minutes of activity every few hours can benefit your dog’s health.


4. Interactive toys

Time and time again, I will recommend interactive toys to help stimulate your dog amidst a busy schedule. When you can’t spend one on one time with your pup, you can still provide exercise and mental stimulation through toys and household items. Puzzle toys, treat-dispensing balls, maze toys, snuffle mats and even ball pits can be perfect for your dog to stay entertained during downtime. Interactive toys provide more mental stimulation than physical activity but it can still tire your dog out just as much as exercising if not even more. The more you exercise your dog’s brain, the happier and calmer they’ll be.


As you navigate the challenges of your busy life, commit to making your dog’s health and happiness a top priority. So, lace up your walking shoes, grab your dog’s leash and embark on this new journey to incorporate exercise into your busy days, one step at a time.